Author: Sarah Chauncey & Francis Tremblay
Genre: Graphic Novel/Comic, Fiction
Series: Standalone

Entire Review
Written as a reflection, the author portrays their love for their animal in a way that can be shared by others. Throughout the book, it is easy to see just how much they cared for the cat and worshipped the time that had together. They understand how it feels while having an adoring pet and also the emotions after they are gone. I believe that the story after the cat is just as important as the time during because it is an experience most pet owners will experience in their lifetime.
The illustrator was very particular about the use of color. Most of the book is depicted in hues of black, white, gray, and blue. Red is saved for the moments where it counts the most. While some may consider this color choice dull, I think it is used well. It forces you to focus more on the story itself rather than just the pretty pictures. Along that line, the drawings sometimes appear sloppy but that isn't a bad quality. This style adds to the personal appeal as if we are peeking into the depths of this person's most sincere feelings.
Sometimes the story comes off as a hopeful wish. Almost like this is what the author imagines their cat would say to them if they could speak. They hope that their pet had a good life and loved them as much in return. I believe this is a way for the author to reassure other pet owners that their pets really do love them too.
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